Sign up for office hours for project feedback or more detailed questions.
The Acorn Design System team hosts a weekly recurring office hours for the Firefox community. (Hey dev! You can also get desktop reusable components support during office hours). The purpose of office hours is to:
- Provide an alternative communication avenue for teams to ask questions, get systems feedback, or receive general design help and support
- Foster collaboration between teams
- Gain insight into what teams are working on or struggling with
Primarily designers, engineers, and PMs – but everyone is welcome to join!
Once a week, on Mondays – we alternate between an American and European-friendly timezone at 11:00 AM EST and 2:00 PM EST.
What are examples of things we can help out with?
- How do I use ____ component?
- I need help with a design pattern, behaviour, or guideline
- I want to propose or contribute a component to the design system
- I'm having Figma issues or need help
- I'm running into challenges with the design system or a project
- I would like systems feedback on a project I'm working on
- I have a suggestion
How does it work?
- Sign up ahead for a session using this form
- This form can also be found in the #acorn-design-system Slack channel's bookmarks bar under Requests & Sign-ups > Sign-up for Office Hours
- After signing up, you will receive a confirmation email with event details and instructions on how to join
- An add to calendar link will be in the email, please be sure to add it to your calendars so you don't miss it!
- On the day of office hours, we typically go through the topics in chronological order of sign-ups. View the upcoming sign-up schedule here.
We highly encourage everyone to sign up ahead of time, as this gives our team ample time to review your topics and prepare for the session.
However, if you didn't get a chance to sign up or want to come by last minute, that's totally fine too! A dedicated systems team member will hang out in the Zoom during the allotted team in case anyone wants to drop in and chat. For drop ins, check out the Acorn Design System calendar and look under Mondays for our office hours Zoom links.
Please send us a message in #acorn-design-system.