Word list



For Firefox for Android, use the preferred Android terms touch, swipe, drag, pinch in, pinch out; learn more in the Google-maintained Material Design Style Guide.

For Firefox for iOS, use the preferred Apple terms tap, swipe, drag, pinch. View more in the Apple Human Interface Guidelines.



“http://” should never appear before an URL in communications unless you are using it to demonstrate a complete hyperlink; see also www.

Homepage - mobile only

The page you see when you open a Firefox mobile app. In Firefox for iOS and Firefox for Android, the homepage is the one you go to when you tap the Home icon. To customize their homepages, users can turn off sections in their settings.

Home screen - mobile only

The main screen on a mobile device. Two words. The H is always capitalized, the s is not. Never HomeScreen or Home Screen. This applies to both iOS and Android. Example: Take these quick actions directly from your Home screen.



Abbreviation for internationalization (18 letters between the I and N), reserved for internal use or where space is a consideration, otherwise please avoid or explain on first use.


Lowercase, unless the word “internet” is used to begin a sentence.


Join Mozilla

Refers specifically to the fundraising campaign and should not be used in other contexts; both words are capitalized and “Join” should never become “Joins,” “Joining” or any other form of the word.

Jump back in

Title case on iOS. Sentence case on Android. Part of the mobile homepage where we show users' last open tab and, if they're signed in, the last tab they visited on a connected device (known as tab pickup).



Abbreviation for localization (10 letters between the L and N), reserved for internal use or where space is a consideration, otherwise please avoid or explain on first use.

learn more

Use to indicate a link to another screen or webpage; see also “more.” For WCAG compliance, make sure that users can determine the context for the link based on the surrounding text. Additionally, we should provide alt text for the link that offers additional context for the link destination, including noting that the link opens in a new tab, if applicable.


Hyphenated in all forms and uses.

Use hyperlinked system text to indicate links to another screen or webpage see also “buttons.”

Log in / Login

Log in - verb

Login - noun or adj.

Note: “Log in to” is correct, “log into” is not.

long-pressing, long press

Do not use. Use "touch and hold" instead.



Malware, like software, is an uncountable noun, which means it does not take a plural form and cannot be associated with a number; you should never refer to “a malware” or “three malwares.”

Master Password

Do not use. Use "Primary Password" instead. In English, the term “master” has a racist connotation. Firefox no longer uses this term. See SUMO article Primary Password is replacing Master Password.


Lowercase, even if it follows Firefox; see also “Firefox for mobile.”

mobile device

In general, use this instead of “phone” or “tablet” unless you are purposely differentiating between the two. Use “mobile phone” only to distinguish from a “tablet,” otherwise, use “mobile device” mobile tablet redundant, do not use.


Use to indicate an expanding text area; see also “learn more.”


Make sure Mozilla is well established early or prominently in any writing or communications (Tabzilla satisfies this requirement, for example): either as part of a product name (Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Webmaker, etc.) or on its own. Do not use any compound constructions (like Mozilla Firefox Marketplace); even though the Mozilla wordmark is lowercase. Mozilla should be capitalized in all other uses, unless as part of an URL (mozilla.org).

Mozilla Reps

Always two words, always capitalized.

Mozilla Space/Spaces

Official terms for a particular group of Mozilla offices around the world, which include open space for the community; current locations or those in the works include San Francisco, Toronto, London, Berlin, Tokyo, Auckland, Beijing, Paris, and Vancouver.


Refers to paid staff or volunteers of the Mozilla project; always uppercase unless part of an URL (mozillians.org).